Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our Baby Bald Eagle...Good Night Moon!

This is 6AM, on my way back from my walk around Lake Nokomis. Earlier, I saw one of it's parents sitting on their favorite fishing perch on the east side of the lake. Yesterday we saw one swoop down, grab a fish out of the lake, and head back for the nest...with a crow in hot pursuit. The close-up was done by holding Barb's digital camera up to Grandma Jerry's spotter scope. Click on the pictures for enlargements.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Flaming Phoenix Arises!

The first strawberry of the season! I guess it's time to put the chicken wire over the patch. Squirrels and rabbits don't really need them as much as we do. Some did make it into the freezer last year (Strawberries, not squirrels and rabbits.) and made wonderful shortcake late this winter. And I find this, just after I bought a box of them at Cub (Again, strawberries, not squirrels and rabbits...We have plenty of them.)